Wow has it been a long time! Sorry for going MIA for the last few months. Life has taken on a new look for me lately and a lot of that has lead to me feeling uninspired towards my writing and like I have nothing to talk about. I’ll write a whole post on my feelings about that later but for now I just wanted to give you all a little life update to catch you up on the last few months.
I’ve been in an overall good place lately which led to me feeling like I needed to start doing something more. I was ready to take the next step back to what I view as a “normal” life and needed to figure out what that meant for me. I eventually figured out that I would like that to mean getting a job, outside of the house, but the problem was I knew I wasn’t ready for a full time job or honestly even an part time job. After doing some research and talking to my parents I looked into third party merchandising jobs. A lot of these jobs let you work your own schedule as long as you meet deadlines and I thought this would be the perfect re-introduction into the outside of the house working world. After applying and going through the interview process I was able to get one of these jobs in April and have been working for this company ever since. It has been a really good thing for me because it’s work that I have to do every week but like I said earlier it’s flexible and if I wake up one day feeling like I can’t do it then I can wait and work the next day. I even recently got given more responsibility within my job which will lead to more work and consistent hours. It’s obviously not where I thought I would be at this point in my life and it’s not what I want to do long term but, it is perfect for me at this moment. I’m getting a taste of “normal” but I didn’t over push myself.
I also have been working on starting a business with my dad. That deserves it’s whole own post because I want to shameless plug it and more importantly there’s so much good that has come out of it. It’s just another way though that I have quickly jumped back into the real world and have been pushing myself in ways I wouldn’t have thought possible at the beginning of the year.
Now don’t get me wrong there have been plenty of downs throughout all of this. My anxiety and panic still like to frequently creep up. I still can’t just do whatever I want to do (ie. road trips) but the quality of life I am experiencing on a daily basis has significantly increased and has left me feeling hopeful for the future.
I am finally excited to get back into writing and I hope you all will re-join me on this adventure. I hope you have been okay during these last few months and have been having wins and progress in whatever way that means for you. Even though I haven’t been writing this community has still been on my mind and I feel so much better be back with it.
Until next time. <3