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2018 Holiday Gift Guide

Holiday shopping can be so difficult especially when the holidays seem to come out of nowhere! If you’re anything like me you enjoy giving much more than receiving, that is when you know what to get. I put together this gift guide for the person in your life who may be having a bit of a tough time (or not, I think they’re all great gifts) to hopefully help you find a little inspiration along the way! These are all things that I personally have used and enjoyed and would obviously recommend.

This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. If you make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. You can read more about my privacy policy here.

A.W.A.R.E. Necklaces: I came across this organization and instantly fell in love. They sell necklaces that represent different causes – such as mental health, cancer, domestic abuse, AND they donate 10% of every necklace sold to charity. I have the white necklace for invisible illness, such as mental illness, and love it so much! Not only is it super cute but it helps me spread my story. You can check out their website here.

Crystals & Cacti: I won’t even lie, I’m a little biased on this one because it’s my friend’s company, but I promise you the jewelry is so great! Crystals & Cacti create hand made pieces that help cultivate healing. They are beautiful and life changing! I’m obsessed with my “Keep Me Calm” bracelet and I can’t wait to get more! These are on my personal Christmas wish list! You can check out their website here. 

Books: In my opinion, you can never go wrong with gifting a good book! I love using books as an escape from reality when things get tough. If you know an avid reader, I would highly suggest getting them a subscription to book of the month. I do this and it starts my month off right. If you want to check them out you can look here.  If you would rather gift them a physical book I have a few favorites I would recommend.
If you are looking for something in the mental health world I highly suggest Jenny Lawson’s Let’s Pretend This Never Happened or Furiously Happy.
If you are looking for a good book in general, some of my favorites are: 
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
The Butterfly’s Daughter by Mary Alice Monroe
In A Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware
Truly, Madly, Guilty by Liane Moriarty 
If you need more book ideas I would be more than happy to help!

Coloring Books: Sticking to the topic of books, my next gift idea is an adult coloring book. These help distract me and keep me so calm whether I sit and color for five minutes or for an hour. Some of my favorites:
You Are Here by Jenny Lawson
Disney Dreams by Thomas Kinkade
Good Vibes: Don’t Give Up
Don’t forget the coloring tools! I have these colored pencils and they are my favorite!

Candles: My friend gave me an aromatherapy candle for my birthday last year and I have found it to be so comforting. Whenever I’m feeling stressed I just go in my room light my candle, put on some soft music, and try to calm down. These can be found most places that sell candles such as Target and Bath & Body Works. 

Puzzles: On a whim my parents bought me a puzzle for Christmas last year and to say that as a family we have become obsessed would be an understatement. I love doing puzzles because it helps distract me from my mind but it also is an activity that requires my whole body to focus on the task at hand. I’ve gotten them from Target, Amazon, a ton of places! They even have puzzles you can color now which are a new level of fun in my opinion. 

Journal: Writing in my journal is one of the things that helps me the most. Whether I’m just recapping my day or angrily hashing out my feelings, I find so much relief in writing. There are tons of beautiful journals out there plus there are some that come with prompts and ideas of what to write already in them. My journal is from Eccolo and I love it!!

Mental Health Shirt: If you are shopping for someone who is struggling with mental illness you may want to check out this shirt! This shirt was just launched by Pigletish who does a podcast focusing on mental health. I’ve already put one on my Christmas list as well! 

I hope that these ideas helped lead to some inspiration on what to get your loved ones this holiday season! I hope that you are able to not let the preparations for holidays stress you out too much and have the chance to enjoy this wonderful time of year!

Until next time. 

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Don’t Give Up

Santa Cruz, CA
I made it!!

This past Thanksgiving week my progress and tools were completely put to the test. My anxiety monster was very much out to play and I was ready to give up. I feel like this was an important week for me and my journey, so I’d like to take the time to tell you what all happened. 

My family was scheduled to go out of town for the week of Thanksgiving, leaving the Saturday before and returning the Saturday after. As someone who hasn’t really been in the best of places lately, and doesn’t even leave the house every day, I was already nervous about just leaving in general. Then you add the fact that we are going to be in a car for 6+ hours and I would have to leave my cat in a pet hotel and I already wasn’t feeling very confident from the start. Due to the devastating California wildfires, our original plan to spend Sunday in San Francisco needed to change. We eventually decided to just stay home Saturday and then hit the road on Sunday instead. Fine by me. Sunday morning we were all packed up and ready to hit the road at a time that’s earlier than I’m ever awake.
(For reference, we had to take two different cars since we are a family of five adults). My dad, younger brother, and I got in the car and started going while my mom waited at home for my older brother. Less than ten minutes into the drive I started panicking. I had taken a Xanax before the trip so I was a little surprised that this was happening so soon and so strongly, but there it was. We pulled over into a parking lot where I collected myself and was ready to go again, but the second we started driving the panic was back. We pulled over into another parking lot and all that was running through my mind was, “I need to go home, I can’t do this.” I was convinced that I needed to go home and take a nap to be able to do this trip. After lots of tears and frustration, we ended up turning the car around to head home for a little rest and to re-evaluate. 

I’m going to take a pause in my story to talk about this particular moment of panic. The thing that was so frustrating to me was that this panic was different from my usual attacks. I wasn’t having shortness of breath or any of the usual physical symptoms, instead it was all in my head and my mind was just telling me no. There was some sort of block that was keeping me from being able to keep going forward. Even more frustrating than that was that I had zero fight. My brain said,” we can’t do this” and I said, “okay”. I didn’t have my usual motivation to at least try, if not for myself than so I wouldn’t ruin the vacation for the rest of my family. Nothing mattered except getting home and taking a nap. My therapist was explaining to me that sometimes when we get into a fight or flight situation there’s actually a third option which is to freeze. We’re thinking this is what happened to me. I just kind of froze and then because I was frozen my panic was able to take the driver’s seat and convince me I was weak. 

Back to my story. So we went back home and, long story short, we decided to try again on Monday, but this time we would take the motor home and a car instead of two cars. My thought was that I had successfully made this drive in the motor home last year and since there are different areas, if I started to panic I may be able to convince myself that I was leaving the situation by relocating to a different part of the motor home. I was still feeling really hesitant but I also didn’t want to ruin the trip for my whole family any more than I already had, so I was willing to try my best. Monday morning came and my younger brother woke up sick with a fever. All of a sudden the only thing that I wanted to happen the whole time was happening, the trip was cancelled, and I was mad. Now my body wanted to go. It was upset that we weren’t going and everything was ruined. Isn’t it just so fun how dramatic our brains can be? It was eventually decided that my dad and I would take the motor home up there as planned and my mom and younger brother would stay home, my older brother was already on his way up there in the car. I went back and forth on whether this was a good choice, but eventually I found my fight again and was ready to go. Fast forward to Monday night, two Xanax, an 8+ hour trip (including an hour stop in Bakersfield to get our tires changed) and lots of feeling incapable, my dad and I made it up North. I did it. The rest of the week went smoothly because I was surrounded by distractions and loved ones, but that weekend was an emotional roller coaster of an adventure.

The important thing though is that I did it. I never gave up, even when I was giving up. I kept fighting, even when it seemed like I wasn’t. I think the most important thing though is that I made myself proud. I listened to my body, I changed plans when needed and in the end I pushed through. It’s very rare that I can take a moment and be proud of what I accomplished, but this is definitely one of those moments. Especially now that I’m home surrounded by kitty cuddles. 

Until next time. â™¥

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Situational Anxiety

So I feel like I’ve possibly talked about this a little bit in a past post but this is so relevant to me right now that I wanted to talk about it again in it’s own post. What do I mean by situational anxiety? For me, in particular, I’m talking about when I automatically panic or get anxiety over a situation that I have panicked/had anxiety in before.

The easiest example in my life is going to the doctor. I’ve had some of my worst panic attacks trying to get myself to the doctor’s office, with multiple of those resulting in a last minute cancelled appointment. Now even two years later it doesn’t matter how good I’m doing, when it’s time to go to the doctor the anxiety monster comes out to play. This doesn’t just happen when I go to the doctor. If the last time I went to Target I was anxious I’m automatically anxious the next time I go, same for getting in a car, going to a restaurant, the list goes on and on. Half of this is that my body remembers the panic and doesn’t want to go back into that situation because who enjoys having a panic attack? (I don’t know if there’s any medical proof to this but it sounds good to me.) The other thing is that I start to remember that the last time I was in this situation I was anxious and therefore work myself up into a panic without even giving myself the chance to make it through the situation with no problem. Theoretically, I understand that every day is different and that just because I may have had anxiety in a situation previously doesn’t mean it’s going to happen again. New day, new circumstances. Especially since there are times when my anxiety doesn’t even have to do with the situation but something completely different. 

I bring all this up because it’s happening right now for me and I’m trying to fight through it and be okay. I am soon leaving on vacation to spend a week with family in Northern California for Thanksgiving. This has become our Thanksgiving tradition and this is a trip I’ve made many times in the past. This summer, however, my mom and I decided to road trip to NorCal to spend time with some family while she was off work. My mom had foot surgery this summer so she was unable to drive, meaning I would be the only driver for the 6-ish hour drive. Most people are probably thinking, okay that’s no big deal. It was for me, though. I don’t drive often because being in a car tends to trigger my anxiety, and when I do it’s for short periods of time with another driver ready to take the wheel if needed. So this was a big deal for me. It was a large chunk of time and I was the only option if I wanted to get there. Long story short, that drive didn’t go so well. I ended up having a panic attack two hours into the drive, and after an hour break in a random parking lot, deciding that I just couldn’t do this all on my own and we needed to go home and cancel the trip. A side note, I wasn’t letting my fear win. I put a lot of thought into the decision to turn around with help and guidance from my parents and it ended up being the right decision.

This brings me to today, though, where I am getting ready to make this same trip and am feeling anxious. Am I the only driver? No. Am I even going to be driving any of the trip? Most likely not. The anxiety monster thought is creeping in none the less. My body just remembers “failing” the last time I made this drive and can’t imagine an outcome where I make it successfully. It doesn’t seem to care about all the times I’ve done this in the past, it just remembers the one bad time. Isn’t that annoying? Even if 95% of the times went well,  our brains tend to focus on the 5% that didn’t go the way we would have liked. Anyways, I’m trying really hard to stay present in the moment and put the last trip out of my mind. I’m trying to focus on all the ways this is going to be different and all the reasons and ways it will be great. I’m trying to acknowledge my anxiety and why it’s happening while at the same time telling it it’s not allowed to win. Will this work? Fingers crossed! (Although I have my Xanax packed and ready to go just in case.)

Until next time. â™¥

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Re-Imagining My Future

If I’m being totally honest, October was a bit of a blur to me. I’m in disbelief that it is already November, but I love the holidays so I’m okay with it. At the beginning of October I slipped into a bit of a depression. Everything seemed hopeless. I had no purpose. I needed a better way to make money, I wasn’t where I needed to be in life, everyone was disappointed in me, I was failing to reach these invisible guidelines in my mind about how to live a “successful” life. This was the narrative running through my mind over and over again with no end in sight. After a few weeks I started to feel a little bit better. Leaving the house didn’t seem as scary. I didn’t need to lay around 24/7, but something still seemed off. I brought this up to my therapist one day saying,” I’m feeling better, but I’m still depressed because I’m not back to where I was.” Her answer? “Well, what if you’re not depressed anymore?” My immediate reaction was, “Well I have to be, because that’s the only reason that makes sense for how I’m feeling.” Then she started to explain what she meant and things started to click for me. 

My therapist and I have been doing some deep and emotional work lately. Since I’ve been in a good place, we’ve been able to work through some things that were previously being blocked by my anxiety and start to figure out who I really am underneath this illness of mine. Which brings me to her explanation. What if I wasn’t depressed but instead just feeling very vulnerable due to all the work we’ve been doing and the uncertainty I’ve been feeling towards figuring out my future. As I said, the second she started explaining this to me it made sense. I was feeling the same anxiety every person in their mid 20’s feels at some point. Who am I and what do I want to do with my life? Although, thanks to my illness I think I was feeling it on a bit of a bigger scale. 

This brings me to the title of this post, re-imagining my future. I often feel that there’s pressure on me to get better and get a “real job” but that I will never be at the point where I’m ready to take that jump. So my therapist and I started to break it down. What is a “real job” to me? Well, for as long as I’ve thought about my future, I always pictured myself as some boss lady working in an office Monday through Friday, 8 am- 5 pm. I didn’t really know exactly what I would be doing but I knew that I wanted to be the boss, that is what was important to me because that’s what I thought success was. Now? Not so much. As long as I’m helping people I don’t care what position I have. I just want to make a difference in the world in some way, some how. As for the M-F 40 hour work week, my therapist brought up a good point. What if I can never see myself ready for this because it’s not really what I want, but in my mind it’s the only way to be a successful adult. Huh, what if? When she said this to me I felt this huge weight lift off my shoulders. I was being given permission to imagine my future in a different way, but one that would still be successful. I could work from home part of the week or full time. I could find a job where I am out doing things along with working at a desk. There are a ton of options that all sound way more exciting to me, but I had just never given myself permission to look at. 

This is where I’m at right now. Trying to picture what I want from my future and how I can make that happen. What does it look like? How will I find the right balance of things so that I still have time to take care of myself and my needs? What is going to make me excited to take that next jump? I feel I’ve just opened the door to this conversation so it will probably be some time before I find any answers to these questions. However, for the first time in probably ever, I don’t see my future as this scary thing I’ll never be ready for, instead I feel hopeful that I can be a “successful adult” in a way that works with who I am as a person. 

Until next time. â™¥ 

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Dancing Through Anxiety

I often get asked about the name of my blog and thought I would take some time to talk about why I chose it and how it inspires me. Although one would rightfully assume that my blog has something to do with dancing or dance therapy, that actually isn’t true. Although I was a dancer for half of my life, my title stands as a metaphor more than an actual act.

When I was first starting out with my therapist I had a really hard time grasping the concept that my anxiety was something I was never going to get rid of. It may get easier, it may go away for periods of time, but at the end of the day I am an anxious person and my mental illness will always be there. After my therapist found out I had been a dancer for many years she explained it in this way to help me cope better with my situation. Anxiety (and depression and panic disorder and mental illness in general) is not something you get rid of and if you just try to ignore it, it will only get worse. Instead you have to learn to dance with it through the tough times. Acknowledge that it’s there and that you’ll support it but also that you are in charge of this dance. When we work with our anxiety or emotions things become a lot more manageable. So that’s where dancing through anxiety comes from. I am actively making the choice to dance with my anxiety through the bad times and dance with happiness through the good.

So if you were ever wondering what exactly I was thinking when I picked dancing through anxiety, there you have it! In other exciting news, my blog and social media finally have their own logo which can be seen best on Facebook or Instagram. Make sure you’re following my journey on Instagram and my new Facebook page too, links to my pages can be found on the home page. While you’re at it feel free to subscribe by email if you are interested in following my blog. Thank you as always for all the love and support!

Until next time. â™¥

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October TheraBox

So I just got my first Therabox and to say I’m obsessed is an understatement! I stumbled across Therabox first on Instagram and immediately fell in love with this company. Therabox is a monthly subscription box filled with all sorts of goodies for self love and care. This month’s theme was Thanks & Giving and is filled with so many wonderful products that promote self care and me-time! I’m going to give you the inside scoop on all the products so you can fall in love with Therabox too! 

I think this gratitude jar from The Happy Shoppe might just be my favorite product from this month’s box. Last November I wrote three things down in my journal every day that I was thankful for and I can’t wait to do the same this year but instead using this cute jar. I love the idea of having one go-to place of all things I’m thankful for, that way when I need a pick me up all I have to do is pick a note out of the jar and be reminded of everything I have to be thankful for. The best part about this is that I can start over for each month. I know this is going to help me focus more on the positive and I can’t wait to put it to use.

If you know my family you know how much we love our games. This game is called Vertellis which means “Tell Us More” in Dutch and is the perfect game for when you want to disconnect from online and connect with those around you. This is the holiday edition and is focused on reflection from the past year and getting to know a deeper level to the people you play with. Communication is the channel that I connect with the most and I am so excited to have the chance to use this game and have some powerful and special conversations with the people in my life. 

Cute socks are my jam! Have you ever been to the sock shop in Santa Cruz? I go every time I’m there and invest in a new pair of cute socks. When I saw these in the box I was so excited. These are mantra grip socks from Toe Talk Mindful and they say inhale and exhale with cute dandelion details. Inhale exhale is something I repeat to myself when I’m having a hard time, so much so I’ve thought about getting it tattooed on my wrist. Sometimes the most basic reminders help us the most and I can’t wait to have this 
reminder on my toes!

The next item in my box is for all my female followers. I don’t know about you but I have heard so much recently about the benefits of using organic and cotton feminine products. I had actually been researching this lately and was so happy to see this Kali box coupon in my box. Kali box is giving a free custom box to those that receive this month’s TheraBox. I have already ordered mine and can’t wait to test these products and take a step towards taking better care of my body. You get to customize your box with the type of products you use and can set it to renew every one, two, or three months. 

Face masks to me are one of the first steps to self-care. I feel like they are something you can do when you need a little relaxation but also don’t have a ton of time on your hands. This face mask is from Maskeraide and is their Bubble Bubble Pop charcoal mask. The best part of this mask is that it is cruelty free, paraben free, and artificial pigment free. I have super sensitive skin so I’m excited to try a product that shouldn’t hurt my skin but help it. This particular mask is called bubble bubble pop because it creates and bubbly and tingly experience when you use it for an extra deep clean. 

There is nothing more important in my opinion than reminding the one’s we love how much we love them and how thankful we are to have them in our lives. I’m lucky enough to have some wonderful people in my life that have stuck by my side through this anxious journey of mine and I was just thinking about how I don’t tell them enough how much I appreciate them. These fill in the love postcards from Knock Knock are the perfect way to do just that. There are a variety of sayings and are a super cute way to remind someone you care. I can’t wait to use mine!

I love some positive motivational quotes. I have a quote journal and am always saving quotes in my phone that make me feel good. I love this pillow case from The Happy Shoppe because now I can have a quote visible at all times. Plus, it incorporates my favorite inhale exhale. This is the perfect mix of style and motivation and mine has already found a home on my bed. Hopefully it will help be remember to stay positive because even the worst times have some good. 

This windy weather has my skin feeling dry and I’m so excited to try this body scrub to add some hydration back into my skin. This face and body scrub from Moni’s Way is a handmade exfoliant that leaves your skin not only exfoliated but hydrated as well. The best part is that it uses pure ingredients that are super safe for your skin. I can’t wait to start using it to help me feel refreshed from head to toe!

This base coat from Ziya Soul is the ultimate helper to keep moisture not only in your skin but your hair as well. Another great product for this dry windy weather we’ve been having in Southern California. All their products are vegan-friendly and non-toxic featuring all natural ingredients. This particular one is the floral blend. The best part about it is that it doesn’t leave a greasy feeling when you put it on. My hair is pretty damaged and I can’t wait to try this to get some moisture and repair back in my hair.

Last but certainly not least is this organic protein bar from Go Macro. This came at the perfect time because I’m currently trying to find healthier snacks as I try to teach myself some better eating habits. This bar is gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, 100% plant based ingredients, non-gmo, organic, soy free, and kosher! Wow if that’s not healthy I don’t know what is. Of course it’s also quite tasty and makes the perfect snack!

I’m sure by now you can all clearly see why I’m obsessed with TheraBox. If you want to join in on all the self-care goodness you can use my code CDANCE10 for 10% off your first order. Just in time for the holiday boxes which I’ve heard are stacked with all types of wonderful goodies. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!

Until next time. 💜

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When the depression hits…

So I’m currently in a time of depression and it’s not fun at all. I feel like a broken record when the depression hits again. Yes I was doing great and probably the best I’ve been in a while and now I’m depressed, again. I hate admitting it. I hate saying it to others. I hate that I know it’s happening but I still just have to get through it. There is no quick fix to snap out of my depression, at least that I’ve figured out yet, and that is frustrating. I just feel so small and that every single thing is just the biggest obstacle. I feel like a burden for once again being in a low point. I feel like there’s a limit to how much help I can receive and how long people are willing to put up with me and that every time I sink back into a depression I get closer to that tank running out. I project all the frustration and annoyance at myself for “letting myself get depressed again” onto everyone else and have a hard time believing that anyone wants to just stay by me through all this. 
I’ve had some ideas for new blog posts and have been feeling overall really positive and wanted to share that with you all. Then it stopped and I just don’t have the motivation or the energy to do anything besides take care of myself and work through this day by day. My first instinct when the depression hits is to go into hiding and push everyone away. My family, my friends, even my therapist. I can’t make myself believe any of their love and support isn’t coming from them “having to”. Although I know I can’t just make my depression go away before it runs its course I am trying to make this time different. This blog post is my first step. I’m going to be more vocal about the fact that at the moment I’m not okay and that’s okay. I’m going to ask the people in my life for help and trust that I’m not the burden I think I am. I’m not going to hide when the good went away because mental health awareness is bringing light to the bad. It’s starting the conversation. I may not have the energy to do much but I do have the energy to start the conversation. 
If you’re feeling down, I’m with you. I’m here for you. You are not alone. You are not a burden. You ARE important. You ARE worth it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and don’t be afraid to say I’m not okay. 

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Facing My Panic

When I had my first panic attack a little over two years ago I thought I was dying. There is no better way to describe it, even though we have no idea what death actually feels like. I couldn’t breathe and I was convinced this was the end. It was scary and horrifying and a tad bit embarrassing. Once you recover and realize you aren’t actually dying and you are actually breathing, it feels like you should have been able to know that in the moment too. However, if you’ve ever experienced a panic attack then you understand this is hardly the case. After the first one happened I never wanted to experience that feeling again. I wouldn’t want anyone to experience that feeling, even my own worst enemy. Unfortunately, though, they kept happening and even more unfortunately, they got worse. If I thought the first one was bad I was mistaken, although at least now I knew what was going on. I always thought, though, that if I had the answer to why something was happening or what something was, then that would make things easier. Once again, if you’ve ever experienced a panic attack you know that with anxiety, depression, and panic having the answers really doesn’t help anything. Yes I know I’m breathing, yes I know this a temporary state, yes it’s still happening and yes I’m still going to panic and be unable to fight it. 

As the panic attacks increased my circle of places that I could go decreased. I stopped going places, doing things I loved, and seeing people that meant the world to me, all because it wasn’t worth facing that feeling of not being able to breathe. Out of my anxiety, depression, and panic disorder, I think panic disorder might be the one I’ve struggled with the most. It seems that every time I think I have it figured out in a way that I can survive, it changes shape and I have to start all over. Even when I got my anxiety and depression in a more manageable state, the panic attacks would still come. I know panic attacks and anxiety go hand in hand, but I would essentially be calm or be prepared and then still have a panic attack. Although, now that I’m typing this I can’t help thinking, “well duh isn’t that what anxiety, depression, and panic is known for?” Being unexpected and not knowing what would cause them. The answer is yes, but where as I could do things to try and reduce my chance of anxiety and depression I didn’t feel there was anything I could do to reduce my chance of panic attack. If it wanted to happen it was going to happen. 

My therapist has always told me that eventually I will get to a place where I will be somewhere and feel a panic attack coming on but just be able to keep going or take a pause and be fine. From someone who had to physically run away and go home any time my panic attacks were happening my response was, well that would be nice but sounds impossible. Then a few weeks ago something unreal happened, I had a panic attack and I didn’t need to completely run away. For once my desire to stay over powered my desire to run. The panic attack still happened, but it was different. I was calm and aware that it was happening but that I would get through it and be okay. After that, for once I finally felt hopeful but also because I’m me I thought this was a fluke and it would never happen again. Then it did. I felt a panic attack coming on and I was able to calmly work through it and listen to what my body needed to be okay. I finally started to believe my therapist in that some day I could feel a panic attack coming and not need to completely stop my life to let it happen. It seems so possible. I was able and am still able to face my panic and instead of letting it over take me, look it in the eyes and say I see you and I’m here for you but I am the one driving this bus and you are just a temporary passenger. 

A lot of people tell me that they see how much progress I’m making and how far I’ve come and to be honest I haven’t always believed them. But something in me has shifted, I’ve broken down a wall in a huge way. I not only see the progress I’ve made, but I feel it. I am hopeful, I am confident, and I know that the bad times are only temporary. Are they still going to happen? 100% In fact I was scared to even write this because I don’t want to be judged the next time I have a panic attack that may be too big to process. But for the first time in a long time, I feel hopeful that I’ll be able to get through them every time. 

Until next time. 💜

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Fear of Progress

So I’ve been doing really well lately and making a lot of progress. I’ve gained confidence and hope that I will once again be able to live the life I want to live. I’m obviously not there yet but I’ve been able to do more and more things and survive tough situations that have previously seemed impossible. Whenever I’m doing good I tend to not know what to write about in my blog posts. For one thing, I don’t want to seem like I’m bragging about doing well because even through the good days I am almost always struggling with something. The other thing is that I don’t want to be seen as doing well and then not be believed when I’m struggling or fall into a down moment. Basically to sum it up I have a huge fear surrounding making progress. 

With every good day that passes and every bad moment I make it through comes excitement, but that excitement also comes followed by fear that it’s all going to end soon. I feel like I am almost always waiting for the other shoe to drop. It seems impossible that after about two years of my good days being temporary it doesn’t make sense to me that I could actually be breaking down some walls and making a more permanent step in the right direction. I know this doesn’t really make sense, because through every struggle I survive I am adding more tools to my tool kit, so it is almost impossible for me to go back to the bad place I think I’m going to slip into. Yet the fear is still there and stays there. It is not always the forefront of my thoughts, but quite often at the end of the day I sit and wonder if tomorrow will be the day that brings the end of the good days and puts me back into depression. 

I don’t totally know what to do with this fear. I mean obviously I want it gone but it isn’t overwhelming all of my thoughts. Part of me wants to use it as motivation to keep going but then i don’t want the fear of not being okay to be the reason I’m doing okay, because having bad days is inevitable and I don’t want to beat myself up when they do happen. I don’t even know how to fully explain this fear because it seems silly. Why am I afraid of getting what I want? I guess it’s just mainly because for the past two-ish years my sole focus has been on surviving and now that I am capable of not only surviving but doing more I don’t know how to enter this new definition of my daily life. 

Has anyone else ever felt fear surrounding making the progress you’ve been dreaming of making? How did you handle it? I would love to hear any and all advice you would send my way. 

Until next time. 💜

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Forming Healthy Habits

Now that I’ve gotten my mental health somewhat under control, at least in terms of panic attacks and being able to handle my day to day anxiety, I’ve realized just how badly I need to spend some time focusing on my physical health. The problem is I have no idea what to do and I still need to be able to take care of my mental health along the way. When it comes to working out and being healthy I have zero motivation and then when I actually do find motivation I’m so out of shape that I can’t do very much before I’m completely worn out. There are a few things I’m trying to incorporate into my daily life to help me form healthy habits that will hopefully lead me to becoming a healthier version of myself, both mentally and physically. 

1. Watching Calories – Now this is something that I know can not always be helpful. I’m not going to starve myself if I’m hungry but I have no calories left for the day. This is more of a way to hold myself accountable to eat enough each day and also to switch to eating things that are better for me in the long run. I find that I waste so many calories on one food item when I could be having something that is less calories, better for me and will leave me just as full. If anyone has any low calorie food/meals they love, let me know because I could use all the help!

2. Working Out – My biggest problem with working out is that I know I can’t just get up and do an hour yoga class or hour long work out, so then I just don’t. I know this isn’t true, but a very common theme in my life is that i think if I can’t do it all then I shouldn’t do it, instead of just doing what I can and being proud of that. I’m trying to incorporate walking on the treadmill and some basic at home workouts to start getting me back in the swing of things and ready for more intense workouts. I just have to keep reminding myself that something is better than nothing. 

3. Water, Water, Water – This is actually something I thought I would struggle with but substituting water as my number one beverage has been relatively easy for me and helped me find some pride in taking the right steps no matter how big or small. I haven’t cut out all non water beverages completely but I have changed how often I drink them and drink them way less than I was before choosing water as the number one thing I consume each day. 

4. Journal – This one is for my mental health. Whether it’s just writing what I did that day, writing about how I feel, or doing an activity in one of my interactive journals, taking this time for myself each day is so helpful. It allows me to connect with myself and find comfort in being left alone with my mind. It also helps me take those negative thoughts and get them out of my brain before they become overwhelming and turn into panic. 

I know there’s so much more that I could be doing but I usually jump all in and then give up, so this time I thought I would start with small achievable goals and then work my way up. I know this is what I should have been doing all along but this time it feels like something I will actually stick with. I’m hoping that putting this out into the universe will help hold me accountable. If you have any advice/tips to leading a healthier life both mentally and physically I would love to hear them. This is something I’ve always struggled with but I truly feel ready to tackle this and continue to build the better version of myself I’m striving towards. 

Until next time. 💜