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Let’s Get Healthy

So as usual I’m trying to live a healthier life. It’s always hard for me to try and transform my habits into healthier habits for multiple reasons. For one thing, if I’m having a bad day it’s 100 times more difficult for me to stick to any routine, no matter how far along in it I am. Another reason is that I’m so out of shape I have to start really easy, but I get too excited and want to do more and then push myself too far and end up stopping. I also have unhealthy habits when it comes to sleeping, eating, and exercising, so it’s hard to make a change in so many areas of my life, even though I know they are all connected.

This time around I’m trying to be more forgiving to myself and the situation I’m in and start slow at a very beginning level, while not rushing myself to be better. I’m not doing great financially, so I’ve also had to find things that are free and easy to do at home while I’m getting started. I’ve also learned that if I don’t have something holding me accountable then I can very easily talk myself out of sticking to my schedule. I’ve found some phone apps that have been a game changer for me and I think are really going to help me stay committed this time around. This is in no way sponsored, just some apps that I have tried and found to be very helpful and therefore wanted to share them with you all.

  1. Plant Nanny – When I try to switch to 100% healthy eating, it obviously never works out well. I thought that to start things off easier I would just make sure that I am drinking enough water during the day, which in turn helps me cut out soda and other sugary drinks. This app tracks your water consumption by having you water plants. If you don’t drink enough water the plant suffers and will eventually die. I’ve found this to be a great motivator for myself, because it’s brought this change externally, even if I’m not in the mood to drink water I also don’t want my plant to die so I make myself do it. There are a variety of different plants and decorations to choose from and they have different levels of plants to go with how much you want to challenge yourself. I found it for free in the app store.
  2. Walking – This is another app I found for free in the app store. It is a four week walking program that tells you how long to warm up, walk, and cool down each day. The amount of time increases the farther you go into the program to keep you feeling challenged. It also has a beginner, intermediate, and advanced program so you can pick one depending on how active you already are. I am pretty much not active and my stamina sucks. A lot of this has to do with the fact that for a very long time I wasn’t able to tell the difference between my heart racing from exercise and my heart racing from a panic attack. I ended up stopping doing anything really physical because my brain would just think I’m having a panic attack and then that would end up happening, which is not fun. I’ve started out with the beginner program and it has helped me feel more active, but also in a way that I can handle.
  3. Bedtime Stories for Grownups – This isn’t an app but it is a podcast that can be found for free on any app that plays podcasts, I personally listen to it on Spotify. This app is exactly what it sounds like, bedtime stories. I use it to help me fall asleep and try to help create a pattern at night that shuts down all the random thoughts swirling in my brain and lets me focus on the story being told. Some days it works and some days it doesn’t, but I’m hoping that the more consistently I work this into my night time routine the more success I will find with it. I will try anything at this point to help me get a better night’s sleep!

I know that these probably seem pretty simple to most of you but I’ve learned that I need to start simple and take baby steps to really see long term success. These are apps that are helping me to start to make these small changes and I’m hoping will lead to even greater healthy changes in the future. How do you stay healthy? Do you use apps or do you find them unhelpful? I would love to hear how you create and stick to your healthy habits and lifestyle. Mental and physical health are connected and it’s so important to work on both. I am constantly putting in work with my mental health but have really realized that I need to start putting in the same effort to my physical health. I would take any and all advice you have to give!

Until next time!💚

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I Don’t Know

So I haven’t written in a while and every week that passes by and I don’t post I start to beat myself up. The thing is though that I don’t want to post just to post. I want to post real raw content about what I’m going through. I just haven’t been inspired. I’ve started posts and then deleted everything I write. I think I have a good idea for a post and then find that I don’t really have anything to say at the moment on it. It gets very frustrating and I get very defeated. That then leads into thoughts like “Should I even be writing?” “Should I just stop my blog all together?”

The thing is I love writing and I love doing this blog but sometimes I put way too much pressure on myself to make it the perfect money making blog, which then goes against the whole reason I started it in the first place. I recently came to the conclusion that I will probably never get there and that’s totally okay. I’m going to keep blogging the way I like. When I have something to say I’ll write about it and if I don’t have something to say I won’t post just because I feel like I have to. Things have been going okay for me lately and I’ve been working on starting a business with my dad. Maybe that’s why I don’t feel like I have anything to say? Because things aren’t completely falling apart. Who knows! Anyways all this to say, I’m still here and I’m still fighting. I promised to always be truthful and the truth right now is that I’m feeling pretty uninspired on things to say. I know it’s temporary and I know I’ll be back. Thanks for sticking around in the mean time.

Until next time. <3

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Happy February! I don’t know about you but January felt like it took forever to end, especially since I was feeling down for a majority of it, so I am happy for a new month. February is the month of love, which if you’re single like me can be annoying, but it doesn’t have to be because I’m choosing to spend this month focusing on the most important love of all. Self-love. If I ever want to be in a happy, healthy relationship (which I do) I need to learn how to love myself first. To me one of the first steps to learning to love yourself is learning how to take care of yourself, because it shows you that you will always be there. Even if it’s just ten minutes of your day, taking time for yourself is so important. I’m quickly beginning to see the differences on the days I do take care of myself vs the days I ignore myself all day. I thought I would take some time to share some of my favorite acts of self-care today.

  • Reading – When I’m feeling stressed or needing a break one of the best things for me is to curl up with a book and hopefully my cat. Getting the chance to breathe and escape reality for a bit can help me feel 100 times better. If you need a book recommendation let me know! And if you’re on Goodreads let’s connect because I’m always looking for new titles to add to my to-be-read list.
  • Listening to Music/Podcast – Lately, more and more when I need a break the first thing I want to do is grab some headphones and listen to something besides my own thoughts. My go to right now on music is classical or movie scores if I want to relax, and The Greatest Showman soundtrack if I need some motivation. I’m also a HUGE fan of the podcast Armchair Expert by Dax Shepard and love nothing more than to get lost in an episode.
  • Social Media Break – If you’re anything like me you are constantly checking social media throughout the day. Sometimes I don’t even know if I actually enjoy it or if it’s just habit. When I’m feeling especially down the only thing social media really helps me do is feel worse. I sit there comparing myself to all the good and excitement shown online even though I know that it doesn’t necessarily show the whole story. I think the best thing to do in these moments is disconnect. Turn your phone off or on do not disturb and stop checking social media, even if it’s just for an hour I feel it makes a huge difference to the inner-critic. We’re not showing it all the things it can use to compare us to and therefore it’s ammo starts to decrease.
  • Surround Yourself with Love – It’s weird because when I’m feeling down or that I need to do some extra self-care sometimes the only thing that helps is being alone, and sometimes that’s actually the worst thing for me. Don’t be afraid to tell the people that love and support you that you need them a little closer for a bit. One of the biggest things I’ve learned in self-care is understanding that it is okay to ask for help.
  • Getting Out of the House – Sometimes changing your surroundings can be a game changer. Whether it’s going to Target, getting dinner with friends, taking a walk things that get you out of the house and away from your stress and worry is a great way to take care of yourself.

These are just some of the ways I like to practice self-care/self-love. What do you like to do? I would love to hear your list especially since I am always looking for new things to incorporate into my self-care routine. Don’t forget how important it is to love yourself and have your own back no matter how difficult it gets sometimes.

Until next time.♥